Lichen Covered Stick (2011-2015)
A thesis, an event, an exhibition.
The lichen-covered stick was given to me in March 2011 by the artist Dan Coopey, on a day trip together to the Wash, in Lincolnshire. This trip was an artwork, made as part of my exhibition Whitescreen, at The Agency Gallery, London. On the way back to London, a moment occurred with the stick that became really significant.
The lichen-covered stick stayed on my dashboard until 2015, it participated in many other art works, and journeys to make artworks.
The moment that occurred between the lichen-covered stick, Dan and myself, became the focus of my practice-based PhD, Video Encounters through a Lichen-Covered Stick.
In celebration of the stick, I organised a cocktail evening at the Art Review Bar, London, Addresses to a Lichen Covered Stick.
The stick was also the starting point for my solo exhibition at the ICA for Fig-2, Lichen Hunting on the West Coast.
The original artwork during which Dan picked up the stick, was Rehearsal for a Road Trip.